jeudi, décembre 15, 2005

Something in english

Les gens remerciez denise pr ce post en anglais:P

Pfuu i have already wrote all my day....nevermind i have to find something to say.
oh! will you come with lara this summer?? oh i have to talk to lara about it. it would be so fun, and with zach too, he must come!!!(i really miss him) and it remembers me that you must say him to look at his e-mail and answer:P. i would like to return to vancouver and see you, leave my parents. they are *arghhhhhh*!!! nice....very nice....but intrusive lol. they are more preoccupated how i practice my driving and my highway than an other thing. they have always got to keep an eye on me.
i am maybe too mean, hummm, when i want to do something they say okay. i want to maybe much....
okay finish the parental chapter.
love chapter lol, so...humm...oh okay, i am like a "bridgetman", that begins to be boring :P, and you? i know about lara, the story iain/zach, very nice. she said something on your blog, and her too about me, i don't know how take it, funny no?
i must go to bed, no, my father wants i go to bed grrrrrr, i will write other things in english during the vacations, it is a bad english but....i try....
grosses bises(lol)


Anonymous Anonyme est passé(e)...

i miss hugo too. i wish i could see you, im jealous of lara and her possibility of seeing you again in the summer

16 décembre, 2005 02:18  
Blogger lara est passé(e)...

hugo si tu est confuse parceque j'ai dit I lOVE HUGO SO MUCH sur mon blog, c'est parce que je trouve que tu est un ami incroyable, est que je n'ai jamais racontrer un gars si gentil est drole que toi.

en canada quand on dit i love somebody, ca n'a pas du tout la meme sense qu'en france.

mais si tu vivais en canada, je dois dire que ca serait difficile de ne t'aimais pas.....parce que tu es incroyablement funny, nice, sesitive etc.

je ne sais pas si j'ai eu de succes, mais j'ai essaye de dire que I love you n'a pas toujours le meme sense.

ugggg......mais tu dois comprendre que vraiment je t'aime beaucoup, mais pas dans le meme sense que j'aime ....iain ou quelqu'un comme ca.

ahhhh pardon ma francais est terrible, mais j'ai essaye!!

bises, lara

16 décembre, 2005 08:56  
Blogger Hugo est passé(e)...

i am not confuse in the sense of i thought you loved me, it is impossible, and i knew about the other guys, it is just i was surprised. hummmmm......yeah okay, i was surprised que tu tiennes autant à moi comme ça. and i like somebody in isn't love but i would like to go out with her....oh et puis je ne sais jamais ce que je veux, maybe i won't like her anymore in 2 weeks...pfuu love is too complicated for me, i said i was bridgetman.....mdrrrrrr. i am thinking like a girl, i talk too much with you lol, nevermind i am waiting your next mail

16 décembre, 2005 16:28  
Blogger Dare est passé(e)...

I just read ALL of your posts! Well, maybe not all of the french parts.. but that doesn't matter.... lol. I am sure you will come back to visit, and until then I will have to miss you.

17 décembre, 2005 08:34  

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